PLUS, Identify And Dissolve Your Biggest Abundance Energy Block… If you get one thing out of this blog post, get that manifesting abundance does not have to be hard. In fact, it’s quite the opposite as you’ll soon discover.
Over the last 25 years, ever since I read “As a Man Thinketh” by James Allen, I have been a passionate student of the art, and some would say science, of Abundance.
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The ghosts of Christmas Past, Present and Future visited our hero Scrooge.
And Scrooge was made to change his present behavior. That way, his future transformed into magic.
Darkness was replaced by fairy lights…ice skating children…And the smell of hot roast dinners filled the nostrils.
By the way, on a sidenote:
How did your January work out? The New Year’s resolutions?
Don’t be crestfallen. My point is this…
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Have they ever said this to you?
“Get outside of your comfort zone”
Great advice yes?
Bad advice. (Especially if they were beating their chests and roaring)
Just because “everybody” says something, doesn’t mean it isn’t the worst advice ever…
Just like…
You want to get to Mars so you must “Get outside of the spaceship”
This is terrible advice.
If you get outside of the spaceship, you’ll fizzle and sizzle and you’ll never make it to the moon let alone Mars.
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The truth is always “stop waiting until the time is right”.
People mistake familiar for secure.
But how can it be secure?
That moment where we’re swimming in the ocean and realise the current is pulling us away from land is all to real.
How can we ever be in control?
How can there ever be security when someone else is in charge of what time we eat our lunch or what forms we fill out?
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There’s an old saying…
“Procrastination is the thief of time”
But if it were announced that there were millions of dollar bills falling from the sky at the local duck pond…
Don’t you think there might be a bit of a Cyber-Monday Duck Pond frenzy?
I think everyone would be getting crushed in the panic…
I might even pop along myself just to “see what all the fuss was about”.
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Years ago I discovered something profound…
It pretty much explains why so many people have blocks around money and success…
(By the way, I tested and tested this theory. And it stood up to scrutiny…)
You see I helped a LOT of people to stop smoking. I don’t know if you knew that about me but it was one of my specialist services for many years.
It’s not something I do much at all now.
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“Your mission for 2018 should you choose to accept it!”
Imagine traveling to Vienna, Austria…
And you attend a VERY exclusive masked ball.
Baroque music plays all around you…Exquisite colours and dresses everywhere…
You might not understand all the languages being spoken, but it’s a beautiful experience.
And someone asks you to dance…
They’re wearing a mask of course. But you can tell that this person is super-attractive.
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I was dumbfounded…
HOW did they do that?
The answer is simple of course…
They don’t aim at the bricks. In fact, in their reality, the bricks aren’t even there.
They know that their hand needs to be in a space which is way further on.
And when their hand is that other space, the bricks will be broken.
Shattered bricks are the consequence or “symptom”. NOT the direct goal.
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Can you point to it? (Simon says btw)
Right. It’s in your head.
And of course your physical heart is in your chest.
But where we think about our “mind” that’s a different matter…
I believe our mind is literally EVERYWHERE.
Looking for it in your head is like looking for data on your laptop. When in reality that data is off in the “cloud” somewhere.
And even more powerful and infinite is your “energetic heart”… In other words, your heart energy.
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On Christmas morning I gave my wife her present.
It was the new Phillip Pullman novel.
The people in the story live in a parallel universe.
Much like ours but some things are strangely different.
For instance, everyone has their own “Daemon”
It’s an animal attached to them by a psychic and physical bond. This magical animal is a true part of them and helps them. They are never alone or without help.
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A familiar thought process.
We get invited to a fancy dress costume party.
Immediately we think “Who can I go as?
“What will be easy/ achievable”
“Well I mean…I already have half the things I need including the Charlie Chaplin moustache and cane”…
In the background a second voice whispers
“Who would I LOVE to go as?”
Unfortunately that voice often loses because it’s message is too ambitious, complicated or just “plain old hard”.
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