PLUS, Identify And Dissolve Your Biggest Abundance Energy Block… If you get one thing out of this blog post, get that manifesting abundance does not have to be hard. In fact, it’s quite the opposite as you’ll soon discover.
Over the last 25 years, ever since I read “As a Man Thinketh” by James Allen, I have been a passionate student of the art, and some would say science, of Abundance.
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So why do so many friends of mine who live in London, New York and other big cities tell me they’re lonely?
So many contradictions in this universe… But with the right energy and the right thoughts you can untangle every one of those strange riddles.
Recently I saw the worlds biggest “Jumper” (What we call Jumper in America is called Sweater)
Anyway it’s a huge one. It’s the Guiness Book of Records official “Giantest Sweater”
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Each bodily function was carried out by a different mini “factory”.
Eating food would be one of those discussed in polite company.
(Some of the others, you just have to giggle and use your imagination)
Anyway moving on…
Your mind is a factory too. Some people squander the opportunity to innovate and create great things using the inherent power and resources of that great machine.
But it always remains an open possibility to change your life from the inside out.
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My dog is a golden retriever. That means he likes to fetch things.
Obviously that’s not great news for the chickens in the garden. They object to being retrieved.
I guess back in the mists of time, his ancestors were bred to fetch dead birds for hunters.
But let’s be clear. That “skill” was simply an application of his source code. His actual source code is kindness and the gentle “strength by friendliness”.
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As a child there was a real fascination when the circus came to town.
The folks inside the circus seemed to inhabit another world. Their own world. And their gates were locked. They were different somehow.
But to anyone inside the circus, the perspective was reversed.
THEIRS was the real world. The people outside were the ones who were blinkered and trapped.
In the movie “The Greatest Showman”, P.
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As commented by others in this group, you don’t necessarily need to move thousands of miles to get to where your heart is supposed to be.
Sometimes it’s a distance measured by “permission”.
Just freeing yourself enough to speak your truth and spread your message could be considered “coming home” too. If you’re in a job, a town, a mindset where you can’t be the real you…
Can your heart possibly be said to be in the right place?
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Living in New Zealand, I am constantly surrounded by stories and inspiration…
For instance, yesterday I was wandering around our National Museum, which is called “Te Papa”.
I noticed this on the wall, written in Maori…
“Titiro whakamuri Whakarite Ināianei, hei hāngai whakamua”
Translated as:
“Embrace the past Prepare now to shape the future” But what if you could shape the past too?
In coaching we often help clients to make better sense of things that have happened in their past.
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Every morning when I awake, I have an irresistible sense of wonder…
This could be the most amazing day EVER!
And it’s true. Any day can be the start of a glorious chapter.
But, by the same token, how often does a day get frittered away? Or it seems to drift from us. We don’t achieve the things that seemed possible.
Again, the real goal is the breakthrough.
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At first it was frustrating.
But we persevered and eventually, up it went. Glorious! But be honest…
How many times did you give up and throw the kite back in the shed? Disillusioned…
It’s human nature to let our heads (and our energy) drop at times.
But it’s not a good idea to complain to the world…
“Silly kites DON’T work!”
Because how many times have you sat inside and heard a gale blowing outside?
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Either way, people seem to find them very attractive.
They make you feel good I guess?
They’re pretty. They seem gentle. They must be kind.
They’re certainly different.
There’s a big difference between being better and being different. Being better is the harder choice.
Being a better bug means being bigger or faster than all the others.
But they’ll always be a new one comes along and beats you.
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The dog wagged his tail.
My son’s face lit up like a candle.
This was a habit for life. What we call one trial learning.
He was going to pet EVERY dog from now on.
The instant habit was so ingrained that we had to be careful which dogs he approached.
In fact, a friend of mine’s son got bitten by a dog when he was tiny.
This created another instant habit.
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