Ed’s Abundance Blog

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57 Law of Attraction Tips For Coaches, Entrepreneurs And Anyone Serious About Transformation And Abundance…

PLUS, Identify And Dissolve Your Biggest Abundance Energy Block… If you get one thing out of this blog post, get that manifesting abundance does not have to be hard. In fact, it’s quite the opposite as you’ll soon discover. Over the last 25 years, ever since I read “As a Man Thinketh” by James Allen, I have been a passionate student of the art, and some would say science, of Abundance.

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The Energy Crossroads

When I was a kid, I heard scary bone-chilling stories about people who went down to the crossroads and sold their soul to the devil in return for fame and fortune. The most famous of these myths involved Robert Johnson, the legendary blues guitarist. But why would someone do this? I mean, if it was me, I’d go down to an energy crossroads and do a deal with the universe.

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The king of Liverpool.......

This is the story of two men… The first man was called Alan Caldwell. He was born in Liverpool just before the second world war. He had a very ordinary life as a child. Alan had a severe stutter. As I say, he was an ordinary sort of a guy from Liverpool. Due to his stutter, his friends wouldn’t let him tell stories and jokes because he “took too long”.

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Why standing still is never an option

I hardly ever use an alarm clock these days. If I ever need to wake up at a specific time, I simply tell my brain to do its thing. Did you ever have that experience of having a built-in “Wake Up Now” mechanism? Our minds and our bodies really are extraordinary things don’t you think? It’s very much the same with finding our direction in life… Rather than agonising and worrying and downright melting your brain…trying to figure out “THE THING I SHOULD BE DOING WITH MY LIFE”…

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The Person Who Will Help You Succeed

Imagine… Someone who supports us. Asks us the right questions at the perfect time. Inspires and provokes us to light up and be our best. I’m sure you’d love to find that person. We know she or he would drive us to take action and in so doing would open new doorways. And we know they’d be there to help us see us through the tough times. But also to stand shoulder to shoulder with you and to see the sun rise on the successful mornings when everyone else is sleeping.

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The surefire solution if you absolutely must start manifesting better results starting TODAY...You're welcome ;)

It was a very exciting thing… A road trip with no plan. Just fuel. Some friends. Some time on our hands. Close your eyes and stick a pin in a map. Or how about you go to a restaurant with a great chef but no menu? “Just bring out whatever you want. I’ll eat it. Even if it’s deep fried grasshoppers. I won’t know and it’s going to be delicious anyway.

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Be Your Best

Here’s an interesting fact that relates very closely to the topic of Law of Attraction—and using the power of your mind to always do (and be) your best. When I was in the Cub Scouts I was a somewhat “difficult” child for the cub leaders. Luckily my Dad ran the cubs soccer team. (I think that’s why I was never thrown out). Every week they made us swear to “Do our best”.

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Transformation within 24 hours

I feel different to how I felt yesterday. Maybe it was the new brand of tea I drank? Or I guess I could have just had a good night’s sleep. But either way, I feel much refreshed… My eyes are a little more wide open and I’m sure something big and exciting is going to happen today. Did you ever wake up feeling that way? Reborn almost… Isn’t it an awesome thing… to have your eyes wide open and full of possibility?

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The calm after the storm

People talk about the calm before the storm… But let’s be honest, everything happens in cycles. “The chicken and the egg” could just as easily be thought of as “the egg and the chicken”. It’s called “reversing the polarity”. So if things are getting on top of you right now. Or if you’re in a place of stress or overwhelm… Don’t worry… Because it’s the storm before the calm.

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2 different (and critical) kinds of emotions

Do you ever notice how people get totally stuck in life? Permanently camped out at this invisible crossroads. Not sure where to go or even which way to face… Well there’s a strange little secret about emotion and energy which is priceless to you when you fully grasp it… It’s a distinction which I believe will switch on floodlight sized lightbulbs in your consciousness. In fact, it’s that very difference between the switch and the bulb that I’m describing here.

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Your Destiny Awaits

It’s time to join some dots here… Your source code IS the path to your destiny Sometimes it’s hard, getting it all to work and come together (But you can make it much easier) I’ll give you an example of each of the above… If you came into this world with an inquisitive nature then your destiny must be connected to your natural energy. i.e. being inquisitive.

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