PLUS, Identify And Dissolve Your Biggest Abundance Energy Block… If you get one thing out of this blog post, get that manifesting abundance does not have to be hard. In fact, it’s quite the opposite as you’ll soon discover.
Over the last 25 years, ever since I read “As a Man Thinketh” by James Allen, I have been a passionate student of the art, and some would say science, of Abundance.
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Imagine this…
You have gazillions of tonnes of gold (or acres of diamonds) buried right under your garden.
So here ’s a couple of options for you…
Get a friend with heavy digging equipment to dig it up for you and pay him/ her a percentage of the treasure
Dig it up yourself. (With your bare hands or a small spoon if you prefer)
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Don’t get me wrong, it’s great to watch the likes of Tony Robbins put on the fireworks display.
To stand in the glow and say “Ohh” and “Ahh”.
But we live in a very exciting age nowadays, don’t we?
I mean, it takes nothing for you to get your message out there to the world.
There’s literally no expense to writing an ebook or a powerful blog post.
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When I was at school, becoming an entrepreneur would not have been an option offered by the career advisors.
Becoming an abundance expert?
They probably would have had me locked up for being “crazy”.
However, there’s a school of thought nowadays that strongly argues that you’re crazy not to set up your own business.
Disclaimer - I am NOT suggesting here you go and risk everything chasing your passions on a whim.
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The starting point isn’t always knowing your goals.
This new way of looking at how you set intentions will transform your thinking around success and will spark a different approach to how you experience the laws of attraction.
Let me know what questions you have after watching the video :)
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Picture this…
A world where one person walks up to another and says
“Hey let’s get married”
“Sure. How many kids shall we have?”
“3 sounds good”
“Perfect. Done deal”
A bit fast?
Not enough finessing, you say?
Well here’s another way to approach it…
When I was 15 I realized the world was a big and scary place. And I was failing. A LOT.
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The room is buzzing. Full of the most incredible people. All excited to make positive changes.
And hopefully some of that transformation is working it’s way over into your orbit too Today we’re focusing on letting go of energy blocks.
It’s not as hard as we make it.
We all have energy blocks. Sometimes they actually serve us. But mostly they hold us back.
The image of carrying a rock around is a powerful one.
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Big epiphany coming up…
I’m starting an exciting new 5 Day training program here in Auckland New Zealand today.
We’ll be focusing on Abundance, Energy and Manifestation.
And the subject of the day is “Clarity”.
Most importantly the ENERGY of clarity.
Living in this energy doesn’t mean you know everything that’s going to happen in your world. It certainly doesn’t mean you can predict the lottery numbers or how many fish there are in the ocean.
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There’s this one guy I know and he’s always late for appointments.
“See you at 9am!” he says. And he HONESTLY believes it.
I however, accurately translate this to “I’ll see him at 9.15”
This reality warping happens INTERNALLY and it harms us.
It calls for a great degree of honesty to recognise and work with the phenomenon called “My internal voice is not being honest with me”.
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Here’s the paradox. (And a way forward)
Pushing yourself too hard can be bad. You can burn out or get sick.
But then pushing yourself is the way to test your limits and extend your experiences.
So for me it’s like a bicycle ride…
Yes, sometimes you have to pedal uphill and you wonder if the pain is worth it.
But other times you get to whizz down the hills and experience the ecstasy of freewheeling.
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There are 4 types of dreams.
The dreams you can’t remember. Often these are the asleep kind. Sometimes they’re the daydream kind. Lots of people swear to me they don’t dream when they’re asleep. But they do.
We all sleep dream. A lot.
Just because you don’t remember doesn’t mean the dream isn’t happening.
We all have an Alice part to us, and she’s busy day and night in Wonderland.
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