PLUS, Identify And Dissolve Your Biggest Abundance Energy Block… If you get one thing out of this blog post, get that manifesting abundance does not have to be hard. In fact, it’s quite the opposite as you’ll soon discover.
Over the last 25 years, ever since I read “As a Man Thinketh” by James Allen, I have been a passionate student of the art, and some would say science, of Abundance.
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Are you pretty good at having lots of ideas and getting things started?
I certainly am. It’s part of my source code.
But I used to get really stuck finishing things. I’d procrastinate and lose my initial excitement and energy.
Which isn’t good if I’m working on a blog post or a book, or creating a new training course.
Anyway, to overcome this problem I used one of my favourite NLP techniques.
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Inspirational quote alert
Bury this quote deep into your mind so that it’s there whenever you need it most…
“Hide not your talents. They for use were made. What’s a sundial in the shade?” Benjamin Franklin You see, you were made for greatness. There’s no question of that.
In fact the only real question is this…
Where do you need to physically and spiritually be in order to let your talents shine and make a big difference?
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Here’s a new way to look at affirmations and blocks…
And it’s a critical part of the law of attraction puzzle…
Imagine in your mind there’s a big, loud signpost. It has a positive affirmation written on it. Let’s say “I love myself. I am worthy and all the abundance in the world is coming to me!”
Pretty exciting yes?
But what about if there’s a second (bigger, louder) signpost next to it that says:
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“No more expectations, just gonna go with the flow and whatever happens, happens.” And yes I agree.
The only question of course is “Which flow?”
Because there is a lot of energy flowing out there. Some of that energy is appropriate to your dreams and some is as harmful as poison.
For instance, if you hang out with negative people, going with the flow will possibly get you bitter conversations…scarcity thinking…and bad luck.
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There is this timeline that ties us to the past and the future.
What bullies do is they install the wrong suggestions. And those suggestions and dark affirmations stick with us. They tie us to a path that is not only negative. It’s false.
Back in 1985 I met a hypnotherapist who gave me some wonderful positive suggestions like “Every day your confidence is growing stronger and stronger”
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I discovered something new recently.
It took me 48 years but I got there…
Don’t get me wrong. I LOVE a beautiful garden and being connected with nature.
But the creation of the beautiful garden was, for me, somebody else’s job.
And it’s very, very, very interesting how this works. You see the reason I shirked and baulked at the idea of gardening was always the fear of messing it up.
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Here’s an illuminating question… Which of the following statements is most true:
a. You don’t know what your next step is?
b. You know what your next step is but you’re stuck or fearful taking it?
Because here’s the thing…
Most of us think we’re at point “a” But a little meditation and soul searching and we might just find we are actually at point “b”
In which case, didn’t we just take the next step anyway?
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Imagine this…
Your secret wish…the goal in your heart…the life you desire…
Put it all into a short sentence. This is your declaration. Your destiny. Your certain affirmation.
It’s how I do it personally. I can share that with you as a genuine truth and tip.
Let’s say my affirmation becomes “Today my biggest question is answered and I know what to do next.”
Every TV ad that comes my way is now secretly, subconsciously telling me what I need to know.
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What interesting “thing” could you do today that would make it stand out and become really special and memorable?
Something childlike and fun?…Something you love but haven’t done for ages?…Something totally new that could awaken a dormant part of your spirit?…
Splashing in puddles or painting flowers both come to mind. But it could just as easily be visiting an art gallery or learning the names of some stars in the sky.
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The most common reason given?
“There are leaves on the line”
I have NO idea how those leaves got there. But the train always chuggs away again in the end.
I guess an official looking man with brass buttons, a whistle and a big stick turned up and removed the leaves.
Those leaves, of course, are an external block. A conscious block if you will. The block stopping the happy folk on the train from getting home in time for dinner.
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