An energy time machine that creates miracles

{{ img-left “/2017/10/Time-Machine-788x788.png” “An energy time machine that creates miracles” }} Imagine having a fun and artistic way to heal old emotional wounds and and release unfinished business from the past.

Imagine using the same time machine to manifest future joy too.

True story. My own 7 year old son has been doing something similar these last few weeks.

Here’s what was happening…

He was getting into a pickle at school.

Another kid would say something he didn’t agree with. (Which incidentally he doesn’t think is fair or acceptable. Bless.)

So he’d get frustrated and upset. And his teacher made it clear to me she isn’t best pleased with this situation.

So what did I do?

I taught him the time machine meditation.

The exact same way I teach it to my adult clients and students.

As instructed, he closed his eyes and visualized.

He told me his time machine was green and the door handle was a carrot.

He giggled as he said this. You might think it’s a childish thing, but actually adults laugh and say silly stuff when they meditate too. It’s very freeing. Empowering in fact.

Anyway, my son used the time machine to go back to the “problem spots” and flare ups in the classroom.

But this time, in his meditation, he made better decisions and fixed things.

He also took his time machine into the future and created better choices and results.

He said “Dad, tomorrow I’m going to have a much better day”

Next day his teacher ran over to me with his red note book in hand.

She told me how great this “time machine thing” was and could I “write down” in the book how to do it. I obliged of course.

What I didn’t tell her is just how powerful a meditation it is for adults too.

I’ve taught it to colleagues who’ve used the exact same creative process my son used for other reasons. Like healing internal conflicts and releasing baggage from years ago. (Painlessly and effortlessly I might add) They’ve also created exciting businesses, prosperity mindsets and unlimited possibility thinking.

Guess what?

You can use this technique for any goal or outcome.

There’s a copy of the time machine meditation included in the Ultimate Abundance program which you may well own :)

Now, although you can use this tool to release blocks from the past and paint a future reality which will manifest with ease…

The key, of course, is then bringing that sense of peace to the present so you can feel lighter and more free in every way right now, in every precious moment.

That’s the real magic.

person About the author

Ed Lester - Founder of Transformational Coach

Ed discovered the “true law of attraction” almost 40 years ago.

As a globally respected coach, trainer and entrepreneur with well over 20 years teaching experience, Ed can definitely help you break free, uncover your unique source code superpowers, and start living your true purpose too.

Ed is passionate about helping creative, ambitious people create a massive, positive impact in the world.

He is dedicated to helping clients and students achieve and activate their desired lives of financial success and freedom-based on creating and growing successful businesses and lives they love and by making a positive difference for others.

His Law of Attraction approach is unlike any other. Decades of experience teaching hypnotherapy, NLP and Life Coaching have led him to create Energetic Vibrational Tuning. The most powerful personal development and coaching method ever created, it allows you to overcome ANY problem to achieve ANY goal or dream.

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