003 - Angels - Your BIG Energy Breakthrough

Angels - Your BIG Energy Breakthrough
The big, big breakthrough that every successful (happy and sane) entrepreneur and business owner goes through at some point is this…

They throw their hands in the air and say “I can’t do this all alone!”

And then a little voice in their head replies…

“It’s ok, you don’t have to”

And then everything starts to change.

It’s a tough breakthrough and one that we sometimes have to experience through kicking and screaming.

But it’s also a big lesson for anyone in life who wants to grow, evolve and create a life doing the things you love.

You see, truly valuing yourself sometimes means finding “angels” to help you with things that they love and you don’t.

Here’s the thing about Angels…

- They love to do something you hate

- They are better at it than you

- They charge a lot less than the pain and focus cost you’re paying

- They free you up to do the things you are great at and love doing

To understand more about what I’m saying, check out my new (very short) training video.

This isn’t just for entrepreneurs. It’s for anyone wanting to fly free and live a beautiful life of contentment and purpose.

It may just give you a flash or inspiration lightbulb moment.

person About the author

Ed Lester - Founder of Transformational Coach

Ed discovered the “true law of attraction” almost 40 years ago.

As a globally respected coach, trainer and entrepreneur with well over 20 years teaching experience, Ed can definitely help you break free, uncover your unique source code superpowers, and start living your true purpose too.

Ed is passionate about helping creative, ambitious people create a massive, positive impact in the world.

He is dedicated to helping clients and students achieve and activate their desired lives of financial success and freedom-based on creating and growing successful businesses and lives they love and by making a positive difference for others.

His Law of Attraction approach is unlike any other. Decades of experience teaching hypnotherapy, NLP and Life Coaching have led him to create Energetic Vibrational Tuning. The most powerful personal development and coaching method ever created, it allows you to overcome ANY problem to achieve ANY goal or dream.

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