Nothing bold or magnificent is born from fear

When you walk on the beach sometimes you see a shiny object.

And you can’t help but pick it up. Can you?

And if you’re like me, you’ll want to share it with special people.

That’s what happened to me this morning…

I wasn’t on the beach.

Hope, I just walked into my front room.

The kids were watching a few minutes of TV before going to school and I just sat down with them to bask in the family vibes.

And I just caught the tag line of a TV commercial.

No idea what it was for?

But these words jumped right out. Clear as a bell…

“Nothing bold or magnificent is born from fear”

And it’s true.

Fear can be a spark plug to get the engine going.

But the engine is always fuelled by other energies.

Positive ones. Love and Gratitude most of all.

So anyway I just thought I’d share that with you.

Do with it as you will. It’s certainly a very powerful message for us all.

Have a truly abundant day

person About the author

Ed Lester - Founder of Transformational Coach

Ed discovered the “true law of attraction” almost 40 years ago.

As a globally respected coach, trainer and entrepreneur with well over 20 years teaching experience, Ed can definitely help you break free, uncover your unique source code superpowers, and start living your true purpose too.

Ed is passionate about helping creative, ambitious people create a massive, positive impact in the world.

He is dedicated to helping clients and students achieve and activate their desired lives of financial success and freedom-based on creating and growing successful businesses and lives they love and by making a positive difference for others.

His Law of Attraction approach is unlike any other. Decades of experience teaching hypnotherapy, NLP and Life Coaching have led him to create Energetic Vibrational Tuning. The most powerful personal development and coaching method ever created, it allows you to overcome ANY problem to achieve ANY goal or dream.

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