Love as a shortcut to financial abundance

Love as a shortcut to financial abundance
There are various ways we can send a request to the universe.

Perhaps the most common two are:

  1. To ask for a specific thing (Ray…A lottery win…a trip to Mexico)
  2. To set a specific energetic goal and start to fall in love with that energy

“I am going to vibrate with the energy of having total personal freedom”

“I am going to feel the feelings of clarity, focus. I’m becoming someone who knows exactly which idea to choose and run with”

“I am going to stand in the space of confidence and I’m not shifting for anyone or anything”

It’s like the character Orsino in Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night who says at the beginning of the play “If music be the food of love, play on!”

He is in love with love. He dials in his love frequency to the universe and love is magnetised towards him by the end of the play.

It turns out to be inevitable.

By the way. I have a Groundbreaking Law of Attraction Free Gift for you which over 218,000 other people have used to manifest miraculous results with their finances…their relationships…and their lifestyles…

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The problem sometimes occurs when we ask for something specific and put the universe under strict conditions. We stifle her creativity. We compromise our own potential too.

“What a shame you insisted on me making Ray fall in love with you. All I had available was this superior version of George Clooney”

“Damn, you keep asking me for a lottery win. And I had this perfect multi-million dollar dream photography business ready to manifest for you”

“It’s a shame you insisted on Mexico, when I happened to have 2 five-star tickets left for the Seychelles. You and George would have loved it”

The point is, when you set an energy frequency such as “personal freedom” the universe goes into action for you.

Plus, you fall in love with your own energy, just like Orsino fell in love with love.

Something inside of you awakens. Your spirit is rekindled with passion and drive.

It’s a magical experience filled with happiness and fulfilment. One you deserve to experience every single day.

What do you think?  :-)

And, personally I’d love to help you with my Groundbreaking Law of Attraction Free Gift which has been proven to help manifest faster and better results with both love and abundance than ever before.

person About the author

Ed Lester - Founder of Transformational Coach

Ed discovered the “true law of attraction” almost 40 years ago.

As a globally respected coach, trainer and entrepreneur with well over 20 years teaching experience, Ed can definitely help you break free, uncover your unique source code superpowers, and start living your true purpose too.

Ed is passionate about helping creative, ambitious people create a massive, positive impact in the world.

He is dedicated to helping clients and students achieve and activate their desired lives of financial success and freedom-based on creating and growing successful businesses and lives they love and by making a positive difference for others.

His Law of Attraction approach is unlike any other. Decades of experience teaching hypnotherapy, NLP and Life Coaching have led him to create Energetic Vibrational Tuning. The most powerful personal development and coaching method ever created, it allows you to overcome ANY problem to achieve ANY goal or dream.

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