The 5th Best Day Of Your Life

The 5th Best Day Of Your Life
For starters, which was the very BEST day of your life?

Most people will point to a wedding…birth of a child…being given a health related all-clear…signing up for the Ed Lester newsletter 

But the thing is, once you’ve run out of those specifically momentous life events, what comes next.

After marriage…children…winning a medal…

What comes next?

For instance, what was the 5th best day of your life?

Or even the 25th best day of your life?

Because, remember them or not, they were pretty good days yes?

And if we’re not remembering them, then why not start creating them instead?

Why not have a day of that level every month?..week?..the mind boggles.

Creating your life purposefully is our dream. But what if it were simply a conscious process?

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person About the author

Ed Lester - Founder of Transformational Coach

As an experienced coach, trainer and entrepreneur with well over 20 years in practice, Ed is passionate about helping creative, ambitious people discover their true path and purpose by unleashing their unique source code (strengths and gifts).

He is dedicated to helping clients and students achieve and activate their desired lives of financial success and freedom based on growing great businesses and/or doing things they love and which make a positive difference for others.

His Law of Attraction approach is unlike any other. Decades of experience teaching hypnotherapy, NLP and Life Coaching have led him to discover that, harnessed correctly, your subconscious mind has the power to overcome ANY problem and allow you to achieve ANY goal or dream.

Sign up here for Ed’s Free Report “The Source Code Energy Secret” which will show you how to immediately awaken and unlock your hidden strengths gifts and superpowers…