Our programs and training courses

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Law of Attraction Catalyst

At various times in your life you’ve reset your energy vibration. Each time you literally became a new version of yourself.

It happens in the big moments of your life story. When you learn to walk and talk. When you meet special people who inspire and impact you. When you fall in love or get married. And so on.

Are you the wind or the leaf?

With Law of Attraction Catalyst you get to be the wind. The person who causes positive changes. The person who makes the positive vibrational shift happen.

You do NOT want to be the leaf. That person who sits around waiting to be pushed wherever the wind takes them.

The Cost of “Law of Attraction Catalyst” is $1497

Sign up for the
"Law of Attraction Catalyst PACKAGE”
and start manifesting your biggest goals and dreams TODAY…


  • Short videos and affirmational meditations (Automatically start using the words and thoughts that attract money, clarity and deep happiness)
  • Transform your mind and your emotional energy vibration into pure manifestation mode
  • Change your subconscious programming so that you stop blocking abundance (and instead make it flow effortlessly)
  • Get yourself into a state of unlimited positive power anytime, anywhere and in any situation (consistently and long term)
  • Simple and Life Changing, Created by the world’s foremost transformational coach
  • “Instant Manifestation Techniques” that remove all energy blocks, so you can start attracting and receiving an amazing life and lifestyle doing things you love (and having a positive and powerful impact in the world)

Would you love to become a Transformational Coach too?

Membership of our Transformation Coach program is by application only.

Would you love to:

  • Become one of the 1% of the most impactful, talented and transformational coaches in the whole world?
  • Have the skills, tools and confidence to inspire and impact others so that you can help them achieve their goals and dreams and reach their full potential?
  • Learn the most transformational techniques on the planet so you can become more abundant, happy and successful every single day?
  • Grow a hugely successful coaching practice or exciting business based on the skills and knowledge Transformational Coach gives you?

If so then get in touch with us:

Email – support@edlester.com

And let us know you’re interested in finding out more about the Transformational Coach program. Someone will be back in touch with more information.