Welcome to Transformational Coach, a world where every person celebrates and unleashes their unique, amazing gifts and unlimited potential.
Our approach unlocks extraordinary potential in coaches and other professional agents of change.
Ed Lester, started Transformational Coach with a mission to challenge the status quo of “deficit theorizing”. He grew up in a world obsessed with “working on weaknesses”, giving children negative labels and installing feelings of lack, self doubt in them.
Discovered the “true law of attraction” almost 40 years ago…
In 1985, he had a chance encounter with a hypnotherapist in his home town of Swindon, England. This life-changing meeting sent him on the path to discovering the secret of our subconscious source code.
As a result he helps people around the world discover their unique superpowers and live their best lives. With over 25 years of experience as a transformational coach, mentor, and entrepreneur, Ed has helped thousands of clients and students around the world to break through their limiting beliefs, overcome their fears, and achieve their goals.
With Energetic Vibrational Tuning (EVT) Ed has taken his 40 years experience with Abundance, The Law of Attraction and Affirmations and crystalized it into what people are calling “the most powerful and magical personal development and coaching method every created”…
When you experience Ed’s magic for yourself, you’ll probably feel the same way!
Welcome to a world in which magic happens. And low self esteem, negative self image and fear blocks become things of the past…
At Transformational Coach, we believe in a holistic approach to coaching that focuses on the whole person (specifically their unique personal power and gifts) and not just their problems.
Our groundbreaking methodology is designed to help coaches and their clients tap into their inner abundance and unlock their full potential in all areas of their lives.
If you’re ready to discover how to find your niche, attract high-quality clients, build a powerful personal brand, and much more then you’ll love what we have to offer.
Even more than that, you’ll learn how to harness the power of abundance to create a life and business that’s truly fulfilling.
We’re committed to helping you create the life, business and future you were meant to live through offering a range of additional resources and gifts, as well as truly world-class training workshops, and professional, certified programs.
So if you’re ready to break free from the constraints of negative labels and limits and start living an extraordinary life of freedom and abundance then you’re in exactly the right place…