Finally, the accountability
you need to break free
and become unstoppable!

And rapidly turn you dreams into reality…

“Ed is a magician”
Donna Smith

“If we all were aware of our source code
and used it to get into flow with our life and the people around us,
the world would be a so much better place!”

Dorothee Hay

Dear Unstoppable You,

It’s not easy to make progress on your biggest goals if you’re spending all your precious time working hard so you can pay the bills and tread water.

Turning your life and business dreams into a reality can be slow. And it can also be lonely at times.

The great news is that even though you may constantly feel stuck and frustrated…

In truth, you’re actually standing at an exciting crossroads!

Your life may actually be about to transform in the most extraordinary ways…

If it feels like all your time, your efforts and your priceless energy are being constantly drained by working to help others succeed at the expense of your own dreams and future freedom, then I want to help you…

"How My Clients And Students Unlock the Hidden Power of The Mind to Attract Business Success, Abundance and Personal Freedom —
With 3 Simple Breakthroughs…

Go Ahead, Click Play and Watch the Video Now!"

Remember When You Had BIG Dreams?

If you’re like me then you’ve always wanted to do something that actually makes a positive difference in the world. Something that is valuable and doesn’t end up boring you to tears or leaving you exhausted at the end of every day.

Life is not a dress rehearsal and you only get one shot at really doing something special. And living a life of fulfillment, doing work that gives you joy and lights you up.

If you sense that your original dreams have somewhat drifted away over the years then let me personally help you:

3 proven steps to an unstoppable you!

Unlock Your Hidden Gifts And True Purpose

Learn The Secrets And Tools For Limitless Transformation

Enjoy A Life Of Abundance, Freedom And Impact (Based On Your Unique “Source Code Superpowers”)

But how do you get serious help
in ALL THREE of those different areas?

Isn’t it all a bit hit and miss?

For instance, to be trained in any kind of coaching or transformational modality is going to cost you a lot of money. And will you be confident enough to put what you learned into action?

As for launching a successful new business or growing your current venture. How much does that cost in terms of business coaching, mentoring, online training.

All of this would, of course cost you an arm and a leg. It could easily come to tens of thousands of dollars with absolutely no guarantee of even modest success.

What if there was a different way for you to get ALL the confidence, help and transformational training you need? In one place?

For a fraction of the cost… And without playing a perpetual game of “pin the tail on the donkey”?

Would that be of interest to you?

If you could be crystal clear on your true path forwards and have all the help and support of people who’ve walked the path already, that would be priceless yes?

Believe it or not, just ONE energetic shift will deliver you positive breakthroughs across the board

My name is Ed Lester and I’ve spent the last 25 years developing a method of personal, professional and business growth that goes right to the heart of the big question:

“How does deep, lasting and holistic transformation actually happen?”

I’ve spent many years developing tools that create a massive chain reaction of positive changes for clients and students.

For instance, think about your 3 biggest personal challenges or blocks right now…

And think about your 3 biggest professional or business challenges

What if I told you that all 6 of those blocks or challenges, are totally connected?

And just ONE energetic shift could create positive breakthroughs in both financial and more spiritual areas of your life…

Incredible as it may seem, the very same energetic shift could mean a more fulfilling life...

More travel to wonderful locations… more love and fulfilmentstronger friendships and relationships (both existing and new)...

No more worrying about health, the future, finances. No more holding yourself back, experiences of failure or disappointment.

No more imposter syndrome!

Because all of these different areas of your life are intrinsically and undeniably connected.

The thing I’ve discovered again and again, is that this is EXACTLY how positive change works.

Isn’t it time you stopped walking the lonely path? Time to stop struggling, guessing and trying to magic a breakthrough when in truth you’re probably overwhelmed and exhausted…

Ready to finally step into your power and make your lifelong dreams a reality?

If you’re honest, you’ve probably known your whole life that there’s a unique power and special gift hidden deep inside you.

It’s something I call your Source Code.

There’s an abundance of proof that your unique source code superpowers are very real.

Again and again, so many of my clients and students have had life-changing transformations once they uncovered and unleashed their source code.

Ignore your source code and keep it nervously hidden away, and you stay stuck. It’s a direct route to a life of regrets and “what if’s?”

However, unlock your source code gifts and power and you’ll have the breakthrough experience of a lifetime…

It will set you free just like it did for me!

Many years ago (Back in the year 2000 to be exact), I was working in a small Italian restaurant in a town called Swindon, in England.

Working there was fun. It was social and I met lots of interesting, creative people. It wasn’t my true purpose, passion, or big dream. But it was OK.

Until it wasn’t!

One day my boss decided he was going to update the restaurant, so he put up a sign on the door saying “Closed for 3 weeks for refurbishments!”

Before you know it, he was handing me a wrench, a hammer, and some nails.

Along with the other staff, he told me to “Get working!”

Let’s be crystal clear. Doing handyman, practical work of any kind is NOT my source code!

I was literally a fish out of water.

But the great news was…This was exactly the message from the universe that I needed!

So I walked out of that building and out into the street.

And let me tell you…

The sun was suddenly shining brightly. The air was more pure and beautiful than ever before…

The birds were singing beautiful music and my future felt more exciting than it had for many years!

I had experienced a genuine Source Code Moment. Within weeks I was seeing my first hypnotherapy and life coaching clients (something I’d dreamed of doing for YEARS).

Within a few months of those events, I was married to the love of my life. We bought our first home together out in the Oxfordshire countryside. My business quickly blossomed. Eventually, we traveled across the world together and settled in our spiritual home of New Zealand.

Although it wasn’t always a straight and easy path, it was certainly fulfilling. That day, my destiny had taken a huge and instant leap forward.

I only share this story because I see SO many of my clients and students struggling to make the kind of progress they desire and deserve.

I hate to see authentic and good people who want to make a positive difference in the world find themselves stuck and procrastinating about how to move forward.

It upsets me to see positive energy and unique gifts squandered.

My belief is that people like you who want to have a positive impact and shine their energetic light for others deserve to experience all the success in the world!

Introducing Transform3

ED’S ABUNDANCE BLOG | Law of Attraction for Creative Entrepreneurs

For people who want to:

  1. Unlock Their Hidden Gifts And True Purpose
  2. Learn The Secrets And Tools For Limitless Transformation
  3. Enjoy A Life Of Abundance, Freedom And Impact (Based On Their Unique “Source Code Superpowers”)

What Is Transform3?

What makes Transform3 Genuinely Different…

We are more than just another online training program.

We are a dedicated community of business owners, entrepreneurs, talented coaches and trainers and creative professionals.

Everyone here wants to help others and make the world a better place, encouraging and supporting each other along the way.

Want to get clear and focused on your true purpose and your personal success plan?

Or maybe you’re looking to gain momentum and grow your business or your dreams to the next level?

Even if you simply want to get unstuck…reset your confidence and motivation…and get back on track with your goals and dreams…

This will be a breakthrough opportunity for you to release everything blocking you. To finally move forward in the way you always wanted to!

World Class Transformational “Hands On” Training
Gives you Instant Skills, Energetic Freedom And Unstoppable Confidence...
So You Can Now Start Creating And Attracting Genuine Abundance…


Energetic Vibrational Tuning
Instant Lifetime Access

Energetic Vibrational Tuning thumb
  • check_circle EVT and Source Code Techniques naturally tune you into your highest energetic vibration creating instant breakthrough results (ask any of our students and clients who have tested this exciting new method).
  • check_circle A simple way of using affirmations and manifestation principles which will delight and amaze you. For instance, EVT consistently and instantly helps clients release limiting beliefs they may have internally held onto for decades.
  • check_circle The most hands on, practical way of using affirmations and manifestation you’ve ever experienced. For instance, EVT allows you to instantly release limiting beliefs you may have internally held onto for decades.
  • check_circle Immediately change stories such as the “Imposter Syndrome Story” or the “I’m Not Good Enough Story” or even the “Stuck Forever Story”.
  • check_circle Make these breakthrough subconscious energy shifts for yourself or for others. It works equally well for both.
  • check_circle Learn the “Reverse Waterfall Technique”. It has been called “one of the most powerful transformational techniques ever created”.
  • check_circle Also master the simple yet profound “5 levels deep principle” which ensures you create energetic change which impacts ALL areas of your life and evaporates multiple stubborn problems and blocks all in one sweep!.
  • check_circle Use the EVT “Cloud Work Technique” to experience unlimited self-confidence and personal power and to step into your own unstoppable Zone of Genius.
  • check_circle Confidently help people remove stubborn, life long energy blocks, so they can reach their potential and become their very best selves too.

The ANGELS Business And Marketing System
Live Launch February 2025 then Lifetime Access

The “Angel” Business & Marketing Method thumb

Over the last 25 years I’ve studied the best and most successful business and marketing minds on the planet.

Taking all the most powerful and effective principles in online marketing, I’ve created lessons and simple step-by-step actions that anyone can take.

Most importantly, these work in a way that is authentic, heart-centered and focused on making the world a better place all round.

And now, so many of my clients and students have used this method to grow successful businesses doing what they love

If you’ve struggled in the past to attract clients or start to grow a business that fills you with joy AND helps others…The Angels Method will be a business match made in heaven!

  • check_circle Magical business and marketing skills and lessons. learned from the very best in the world. Perfect for coaches, transformational professionals and anyone wanting to create a more exciting and impactful future.
  • check_circle If you are a heart-centered entrepreneur, and your approach is energetic or spiritual in nature, then traditional business coaching and methods can be a DISASTER for you.
  • check_circle Make sure you never work in a “saturated market”. Use your unique energetic source code and gifts to create profitable and authentic positioning and specialist skills.
  • check_circle Attract unlimited clients and opportunities without fear or having to constantly reinvent the wheel!
  • check_circle Align your success with your authentic true path and purpose. So you wake every day excited and energized.
  • check_circle Make your mission and your future abundance a soul-based experience: fun, creative and fulfilling on every level!
  • check_circle Everything you ever wanted to know about online business success and the kind of “value driven marketing” where you get to constantly help people and gain their trust and gratitude (without ever, ever having to feel uncomfortable or like a cheap used car salesman).
  • check_circle Release all abundance and financial blocks, so you reclaim your truth, your authentic voice and your own energetic powers for business success.
  • check_circle Discover how to attract only your “perfect clients”.
  • check_circle Enjoy a natural flow of abundance and financial reward in your life by effortlessly giving value to everyone you meet.

Life Coaching And Personal Development Mastery –
Create fast, life changing breakthroughs for yourself and others
(learn these skills and you’ll never again have to worry about the future)

Breakthrough Life Coach Training thumb
  • check_circle My original 5 Day Breakthrough Life Coaching Course that has changed so many lives, now broken down into bite-sized modules for your rapid learning and mastery.
  • check_circle Learn highly effective “Source Code Coaching & Change Tools” to help people quickly discover their true path and purpose.
  • check_circle These can be used for individual coaching and also for expanding into group coachingtraining workshopscoaching retreats and much more.
  • check_circle Unlock your true passions and gifts in a way that fills your life with authentic joy and gives you the power to have genuine and positive impact in the world every day.
  • check_circle Help people achieve their best lives and results in the areas of health, love and relationships, career, self esteem, weight, fitness, spiritual goals and more.
  • check_circle Do this and you’ll never have to worry about money or whether you’re “good enough for success” ever again. Because this is what true personal freedom and fulfillment looks and feels like!
  • check_circle Set yourself apart from 99% of other business owners, professionals and aspiring impact-creators.
  • check_circle The skills and techniques you’re about to be given are literally rocket fuel for abundance. They will combine with your life-experiences (good and bad) to make you unstoppable moving forward.
  • check_circle IMPORTANT: It doesn’t matter if you don’t intend to ever actually “become a professional coach” If that’s you’re goal then great. But if not, why not open the treasure chest and dive in anyway?
  • check_circle If you want to live an abundant life whilst having a positive impact, then you 100% need these tools and the instant transformational abundance mindset you’ll get here…
  • check_circle You CANNOT experience true and unlimited abundance if you don’t learn the secrets of human potential and breakthrough life coaching techniques for success.

NLP – Subconscious Magic To Transform
Your Energy And Reality
Instant Lifetime Access

Strategic NLP Logo
  • check_circle “Change the Language of Your Mind” and change the results and experiences of your daily reality. Students and describe these techniques as being real life “lightning in a bottle”.
  • check_circle Imagine being able to capture those feelings when you are in flow…experiencing bliss, love and gratitude. And turning that into your new normal. This is exactly what you’ll be able to do with this new generation of NLP techniques!
  • check_circle Develop your own subconscious quantum programs for success. Use these simple techniques to become emotionally powerful and to fill your life with creative possibilities and positive breakthroughs.
  • check_circle Don’t ever feel energetically stuck or blocked again as you quickly learn these powerful language patterns, visualizations and mental-manifestation techniques…
  • check_circle Fill your personal and professional toolkit with the exact same magical techniques used by the most successful, confident and abundant people alive today…
  • check_circle Thousands of people have already discovered how Strategic NLP can help them break free from limiting beliefs, silence the doubts holding them back, and step confidently into their true potential. Now, it’s your turn!
  • check_circle These natural conversation and communication skills have been proven to create instant breakthroughs, clarity and confidence. When you focus your energy and simple techniques in the right place you too will experience the kind of results that have been elusive up to now.
  • check_circle STOP putting up with the kind of beliefs, mindset, and subconscious strategies that are guaranteed to keep people struggling, stuck and frustrated (and often settling for a job or routine that makes them silently scream and suffer every day)
  • check_circle The power of automatic belief shifts (purposefully choosing your beliefs to fit your personal and professional goals) means that you can literally design and start creating any future you desire using the proven techniques and skills which we will teach you without delay!.

What else do you get when you sign up for
Transform3 today?

Active members also receive the following:

Plus yet another special (and truly priceless) bonus for active Transform3 active:

Free Transform3
“Success And Accountability Groups”


If you’re keen to join a small, friendly success pod that meets weekly and helps each other “get things done” then this is a priceless extra for you. It could well be the missing piece for your rapid progress and success.

You probably have lots of ideas, opportunities and projects that are never quite being fully realized.

This is where you need constant support and encouragement, and above all else, ACCOUNTABILITY.

This will be a breath of fresh air where you’ll get to help others and be helped yourself. Specifically in regards to “getting the thing done that you need to get done”.

In this accountability-team setting you’ll be able to work on practical skill “buddy sessions” and marketing plans…and whatever else needs to happen to move you forward and accelerate your success!

These are small groups with 4-6 members maximum. Joining a TC Success Group is not compulsory. Just let us know if you’re keen and we’ll help you find or start your own group with suitable partners and people in a good time zone/location for you.

Testimonials From Our Graduates And Coaches


Transform3 is not for people who are looking for:

  • check_circleTacky, “get rich quick” programs that promise the world and deliver nothing
  • check_circleSurface level training that teaches tactics and changes that don’t last or give you true deep level confidence and energetic breakthroughs
  • check_circleBusiness training and marketing approaches that make you feel like a yucky used car salesperson
  • check_circleSelfish approaches to transformation that don’t focus on holistic, connected breakthroughs where everyone wins
  • check_circleIdeas and techniques that have never been proven to work in the real world or with real clients and students

However, Transform3
Is A PERFECT Fit For You If You Want To:

Limited Time Offer to Join Transform3

Between now and November 30th we’re accepting a handful of new enrolments.
Would you like to be one of them?

Each of the 4 x Core Trainings is worth $1997
making a total of $7988

The 12 month mastermind membership is usually $997
making a total value of $8985

We are delighted to offer you Transform3 Premium for just $1997

(saving you a total of $6988 on the full value!)

As well as including 12 months free membership
of the TC Mastermind Group,
if you choose to continue your membership a year from now,
you’ll pay just $997 per year for LIFE!


Your renewal price is grandfathered, protected, guaranteed and locked
in forever for as long as you remain an active member.

Prefer to pay your initial sign up fee in 3 easy payments?


Again, your renewal price is grandfathered, protected, guaranteed and locked
in forever for as long as you remain an active member.

What does the next 12 months
have in store for you…

Imagine just one year from now. How much will your life have changed already if you make this exciting leap today and join Transform3?

No matter what challenges and obstacles you face right now,
they CAN be figured out and solved!

Transform3 is the perfect place for you to get help and support from talented and inspiring experts.

It’s also the best place in the world for you to learn truly transformational ways of thinking and being. If you jump on board you’ll get to start creating the life and future you always wanted.

So no more “you against the world”. No more doing it the lonely way or simply hoping for the best.

Let’s actually make this happen!

I’d love to meet you and welcome you inside Transform3 very soon!


Ed Lester
Founder of Transform

Transform3 logo