Just ONE Question…

Are You Ready For Me To Help You Enjoy Entrepreneurial & Creative Success And Manifest A Life Of True Freedom (Based On Your Unique Hidden Talents)?

For Zero Cost Today And Absolutely No Risk?

Please allow me to share something critical...

Something personal, yet very applicable to you and your future success.

They don't give out Ph.D's in the Law of Attraction yet but if they did I think it's safe to say I'd be a professor on the subject.

That's not bragging.

Because for almost two decades now, I've obsessed over and studied nearly every single personal development and Law of Attraction product and philosophy on the planet.

And unfortunately, I can tell you without hesitation, every single one of them contains a fatal, inescapable flaw.

Here's what they don't do...

  • What they don't do is prepare you for the inevitable times when you slip back into negative thoughts and energy.
  • What they don't do is prepare you for when other people rain on your parade or "invade" your positive space
  • What they don't do is they don't prepare you for when you feel like a failure, or when you feel you're going round in circles or hitting a brick wall...

I'll share with you (right now)...

The Secret to Entrepreneurial And Creative Business Success Is...

A Clear Exciting Plan And Positive Focus On The Right Things Every Day!


the kind of deep energy, beliefs and automatic self talk that are usually outside the limits of your awareness... now THAT is the key to consistent, ongoing, mind-blowing success.

Look, people who struggle with their positive focus skills ALWAYS end up stuck, frustrated and blocked.

  • They talk themselves out of amazing relationships and opportunities...
  • Their self-esteem is up and down like a yo-yo...
  • They KNOW they're capable of attracting big things. But they never get there because their self talk creates fear-energy and it sabotages them every single time...

It's just the way it is.

Every day I see my clients making massive progress and getting the Law of Attraction to work. They experience tangible, solid results.

But then, to my dismay, a certain percentage of them start to slip back into old habits.

In other words, they fall off the abundance wagon and backslide.

It's exhausting and heartbreaking for them to go through that stop-start process.

You see, these people are doing all the things that should move them forward to their dream life. But at the same time, old programming and internal resistance pulls them back to the same old negative spaces.

I call it their "Subconscious Scarcity Thermostat"

But here's how you can UNLOCK YOUR HIDDEN ABUNDANCE CODE right now...

Ludicrous as it seems, the hard-to-shake scarcity thermostat tugs you back into a comfort zone of "Same old. Same old".

Incredible isn't it?

Your own subconscious self talk stops you from getting what you want SIMPLY BECAUSE IT'S PROTECTING THE STATUS QUO!

This doesn't have to happen. Understand...

My Most Successful Business Clients Understand Exactly How To Flip This Positive Switch 180 Degrees So It Automatically Becomes Their "ABUNDANCE THERMOSTAT"

Having the ability to move forward with certainty and to overcome every block and hurdle that comes along, just as soon it shows up IS the key to your future success.

This gives you the kind of ongoing certainty you need and deserve.

And I’m so proud to offer it to you today as a gift… Today only.

Here's My Special Invitation For YOU To Join My Private Coaching Group For Entrepreneurs And Creative Change-Makers…
It’s called “Abundance And Miracles 365”

This is a high level insiders group. The only way you can usually get access to it is by becoming a private coaching client of mine. And even if I was taking on more clients (which simply isn’t practical right now), it would still cost you many thousands of dollars for that kind of help.

I’m a full time coach. It's what I do. It's what I live and breathe. In truth, I'm obsessed with coaching and helping my students and clients achieve results which most people would consider impossible. Even ridiculous.

Here's what you can expect in the days ahead when you become a member of my "Abundance Mindset Coaching Group"...

You'll be discovering:

  • The best way to silence your inner critic by permanently removing the internal judgement habits and mental toxins that feed it
  • The "Must Have" Automatic Abundance Attitude which banishes sadness to the past and makes you happier in all your relationships
  • How to automatically focus on anything you choose to and believe you'll attract it heart and soul (No forcing, no mental arm wrestling or conscious effort necessary)
  • The simple secrets to being much kinder to yourself so you can live constantly in a positive state of mind, at peace and calm
  • A way to quickly install your own Tony Robbins level, intuitive self talk and motivation. This allows you to make changes and shift unprofitable internal attitudes pretty much instantly
  • The secret to how internal communication habits really work. How you can easily maintain an uplifting and supportive self relationship rather than letting that little negative voice of doubt rain on your parade and bring you down
  • Finally calm the ‘butterfly brain' that flits here, there and everywhere. Get focused and stay focused so you become more fulfilled in all areas
  • Discover how peak performers stay positive and never let negativity take over their thoughts and feelings for long. Program in this ability to overcome ALL current belief challenges
  • Tune into the specific "self confidence" vibration you can immediately align with, which puts you in the abundance mindset effortlessly even if you haven't yet experienced what success looks and really feels like
  • Feel truly worthy by learning to immediately overcome that sneaky mental trap which always results in manifesting "just enough" to get by
  • How To KNOW and BELIEVE 100% that you DO deserve abundance and all the good things coming to you. Plus how to immediately ‘melt' any doubts before they even begin to creep back in
  • The exact way to program in your self talk so that it's never ambiguous or conflicting and creates within you the time and money to travel...to visit and help your family...to assist others financially
  • The surefire way to safely trust people more and be immune to criticism and taking things to heart. This allows you to be stronger, to feel secure and be a positive influence and model for others
  • The simple activation key to heal, love and accept yourself more so that you can move on from all past hurt AND experience a joyful abundant life
  • Finally become one of the Five Percent of the population that abundance DOES work for so you can live a happy life and keep healthy and wealthy
  • Learn the proven tricks and techniques that instantly and effortlessly allow you to become so motivated that you beam from the inside out
  • Also how to overcome that most common of emotional conflicts so you get to walk your true path...spend more time with your family and have less money constraints
  • The best way to experience composure and patience in ALL areas of your dealings with people and in ALL situations
  • And you get to install the inner beliefs and focus that allow you to balance the practical with the possible so that you can be, do and have it ALL
  • Overcome all of the most common conflicts between spiritual things and material things so you can manifest from an unhindered energy frequency
  • Get access to the same "idiot's guide to abundance" which I was lucky enough to get my hands on and follow. If you're keen this could definitely help you start the kind of lifestyle business or creative endeavor that leads to joy and financial independence

Now, you may be wondering if my private Abundance and Miracles 365 Coaching group is right for you. I can definitely tell you that it is right for you if you are someone who wants to:

  • Become an abundance catalyst who can help others and enrich their lives (including your own friends and family)
  • Create or Grow an amazing business or career and lifestyle...Become financially secure and enjoy your life with your children...your family, those you love the most
  • Take your life in a different, more positive direction. Travel more and discover your true passion and purpose on earth
  • Have the ability to clear your mind and let go instantaneously so you can manifest things faster and see results more quickly
  • Get yourself into a completely different space instantaneously where you can manifest prosperity and freedom AND live life to the absolute fullest
  • Discover the best ways to get into flow and to stay in flow so you can live life stress free...help others...feel more satisfied every day
  • Identify and overcome ALL blocks and barriers so you put out the right message to the universe and create a forcefield which energizes each and every area of your life
  • Have a powerful mindset not just for coping but for awakening beautiful and great things in yourself
  • Overcome those obstacles that used to set you back to your old habits
  • Remove all self limiting beliefs so you can automatically and effortlessly focus on always being in the right frame of mind

In this coaching group there are regular live events and hotseats where I coach students and clients through their blocks and challenges. And you’ll be helped by numerous experts and talented guest trainers. There’s also a Facebook Group where coaching members can post questions.

New teaching modules...resources, techniques, meditations, video trainings and other "miracle law of attraction" tools are added regularly.

Every day, you'll have resources to grow your success and prosperity and follow your unique, exciting plan...

Private Coaching with me is simply not something I can make available to the general public these days. If I did, it would cost tens of thousands of dollars for someone to sign up. That's just a fact.

But because you’ve put your trust in me and are an abundance minded person too, I'm extending you a very special opportunity.

When you SIGN UP for my "Abundance And Miracles 365 Membership" you get an unconditional free 7 day trial run so you can road test and see for yourself that my coaching and mentoring system is as transformational and life changing as my clients all say it is.

After 7 days, should you choose to continue, it will simply cost you $9.95 per month and you'll be able to cancel any time you wish.

And when you sign up today, I want to give you immediate access to a VERY SPECIAL BONUS SET OF ABUNDANCE TRAINING SESSIONS...

These are the 66 Magical "NLP" Shortcuts For Creating An Abundance Mindset. And they’re called...

"Self Talk Like a Billionaire"

As I mentioned earlier, I've spent the previous two decades studying and researching every self-growth and personal development tool out there.

I've learned and tested pretty much all of them.

And do you know what I've found to consistently be the most powerful and effective?

It's NLP (or Neuro Linguistic Programming)

In other words, the skill of reprogramming the language of your mind so that you can change anything you want to have, do or be in life...

There are “66 NLP Self Talk Magical Tricks” audio sessions giving you profound mindset skills.

These are the same skills used throughout history by billionaires such as Oprah Winfrey and Richard Branson to create positive self-talk and to give them the ONE thing that makes all the difference in the world...

You’re Going To Have All The Support You Need To Keep You Motivated, Excited And Focused On Success Every Day!

You get full access to 66 transformational audio sessions...

These 66 short, potent, abundance-filled audio sessions making up the "NLP Magic - Self Talk Like A Billionaire" Bonus Program would easily cost you $37 each if you purchased them from me individually.

Thankfully you get all of them for a tiny, tiny, fraction of that cost today.

And let's be honest. Any single ONE of them could be responsible for changes which will launch you onto a stratospheric new level of value and results.

By way of saying a big thank you for purchasing my Ultimate Financial Abundance program, you can get your hands on all of those sessions right now included in your completely free, no obligation trial.

And even if you decide not to carry on after your free trial, I’m still happy for you to download and keep these bonuses as my gift to you.

If you've ever learned NLP or experienced the stunning results it produces, you've probably heard its famous philosophy.

"There's no such thing as failure. Just feedback."

By embarking on my abundance coaching and mentoring journey...

You’re going to learn and understand everything you need to about Abundance and attracting your dream life.

When you fall, I'll be there to catch you. When you doubt yourself, I'll have resources to get you back on top of things straight away.

This Is Your Only Chance For This Special Opportunity To Get Help From A Recognized Expert…

It’s A ONE-TIME OPPORTUNITY To Get All The Support And Business/Abundance Expertise You Need To Keep You Motivated, Excited And Focused On Success Every Day!

This free and no obligation investment in yourself gets you a full 7 days to prove this coaching system works like magic.

If you decide to carry on with your membership after your free 7 day trial it will cost you just $9.95 a month moving forwards and that special low rate will be locked in for you. Of course, you'll be able to cancel at any time and again my 30 day unconditional guarantee still applies.

So you really have nothing to lose. Again, I take ALL the risk.

This isn't something I'm going to be able to do for very long as a free trial. I'll have to take this page down very soon.

And don't forget, if you sign up right now, today, you'll also get instant access to my special program "Self Talk Like A Billionaire - 66 Magical "NLP" Shortcuts For Creating An Abundance Mindset"

For those genuinely serious about making The Law of Attraction work, I've hopefully made this offer truly irresistible.

So go ahead, click the button below and you'll get instant access to the same accelerated abundance breakthrough coaching and mentoring my most successful clients and students use to create a life of joy, happiness, love and prosperity.

And remember you're getting to trial and test this private membership club with absolutely no risk.


Yes Ed, Sign Me Up Now for Abundance And Miracles 365 - Free 7 Day Trial!


I understand that this product is $9.95 per month. If I choose not to cancel my membership in the first 7 days, it will then be $9.95/month after that.

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