The Secret To (Finally) Making The Law of Attraction Work for You

Read On to Discover the Secret to Unlocking the Law of Attraction in Your Life:

FINALLY, unleash your true purpose… uplevel your energetic frequency… and manifest your dream life (whilst having a huge, positive impact in the world)…

Quick question…

Do you believe deeply in the Law of Attraction and manifestation?...

Yet somehow despite your best efforts, you’ve been unable to get the Law of Attraction to work anywhere near what you know is possible for your life?

Given the seismic changes taking place on this planet…

Wouldn’t this be the perfect time to harness the most extraordinary force in the universe?

The Law of Attraction tip I’m going to share today is powerful and has been proven by millions.

What's even better is it turbocharges the law of attraction in your life, allowing you to finally manifest what you desire.

Get ready to discover the secret to making the Law of Attraction work for you…

How to unlock your highest ENERGETIC VIBRATION to manifest your dream life (money… health… relationships… true purpose… and more)…

Without knowing this true secret, you remain stuck, blocked, and frustrated.

Be honest with yourself. Shouldn’t life be easier than it is? Do you find things harder than they need to be?

This secret I’m about to share comes from the intersection of cutting-edge psychology, DNA science, esoteric wisdom and pure Law of Attraction magic.

Make this ONE simple “energetic tuning” and abundance once again floods your life...

It’s time to stop spinning our wheels and settling for less than we deserve…

When you follow my lead and learn how to tune your mind, body and spirit to its highest vibrational frequency… ABUNDANCE explodes into your life…

What’s it like when you raise your vibration?

  1. You experience more joy, gratitude, tranquility and other heart-centered feelings because you’re finally living your true purpose…
  2. Feelings of confidence, motivation and optimism wash over you as you have a massive, positive impact in the world…
  3. You’ll transform your mindset and replace limiting beliefs with empowering ones, opening the door to limitless possibilities and success. Manifesting abundance, love and success now feels as natural as breathing…

You experience all this and more when you learn how to raise your vibration!

Ed Lester

Hi, I’m Ed Lester, the founder of Transformational Coach. Over the last 20 years, I’ve helped over 3000 abundance-minded coaches and entrepreneurs create a huge impact by elevating their consciousness to their highest positive-energy frequency.

I’m considered a leader in Transformational Energy Coaching.

Many people believe in the power of positive thinking. However, my particular area of expertise is teaching people how to tune to their highest energy frequency to unleash abundance in their lives.

It’s a secret I discovered 18 years ago.

Back in 2007 a few years after the book “The Secret” introduced the world to the Law of Attraction, I started noticing a strange phenomenon.

An unusually large number of people started becoming my coaching clients.

Clients’ #1 concern was the Law of Attraction wasn’t working in their lives. They struggled manifesting.

This paradox sent me on a quest. I had to discover exactly why this was happening.

Clearly, the Law of Attraction worked, but WHY couldn’t people manifest the things they wanted using it?

It was quite the journey researching psychology… esoteric wisdom… genetics and epigenetics… and even little-known, manifestation (magick) principles.

I was astounded.

Tucked away in our individual DNA is a silent power so awesome, it is directly responsible for manifesting our reality

This power goes way beyond just asking for cars, houses, careers and money. It literally is responsible for the fabric of our personal reality.

The term I use for it is “personal source code”.

For the majority of people in the world, this source code lies dormant. Kind of like what scientists call our junk DNA.

However, your source code can be activated!


How would you know if your source is activated or not?

Let me ask you a sincere question:

What if your current life was transformed into a dream come true?

I’m not saying you need to be a billionaire Fortune 500 CEO, or famous entertainer. Those are superficial attributes.

I’m saying in the present moment, are you doing exactly what you are destined to do or become?

If not, consider the possibility your source code requires activation, much like a toggling on/off switch. (That is actually how your DNA’s genes are activated.)

This discovery is reaffirmed by the research of psychologists, religious priests of various faiths, and other scientific disciplines around the world.

How do we activate our source code and unleash abundance in our lives?

There are several ways to activate your source code. But the simplest way is to raise your energetic vibrational frequency.

Science has confirmed each person predominantly resonates at a particular frequency the majority of the time.

This frequency is manifested in an energetic force field around you - that YOU UNCONSCIOUSLY GENERATE based upon your dominant thoughts, feelings and emotions. Using scientific instruments, the energy of this force field can be measured – and it’s mindblowing.

It gets even better.

What’s intriguing is our force field reaches out and interacts with the universe at a quantum particle level, and is what is directly responsible for co-creating your personal reality!

In the simplest of terms, the higher your vibrational frequency, the stronger your energetic field and best of all, the more your “source code” is activated inside your DNA!

And as we have said, source code activation = abundance unleashed!

So when you think about it, abundance is only a thought, feeling or emotion away

But how SPECIFICALLY does one generate these strong, source-activating, abundance-unleashing, high-energetic frequencies capable of transforming our personal reality?

If you’re serious about unlocking your source code to manifest your dream life (including more confidence and motivation, financial success, health, love and authentic JOY) starting today


Catalyst logo

"Catalyst" – The Easy Way To Make The Law Of Attraction Work!

Activate Your Unique “Energetic Source Code Vibration” And Finally Make The Law Of Attraction Work In Your Life!

The simple techniques and principles of “Energetic Vibrational Tuning” are so simple to apply. In less than 24 hours, YOU NOTICE A HIGHER ENERGETIC VIBRATION AND A GENUINE SENSE OF FREEDOM AND POSITIVE SELF BELIEF!

You get instant access to an exciting and proven Abundance Accelerator Method.

And as I’ll explain soon, you’ll receive it virtually for free, by becoming part of our Law of Attraction Global Study (the very first of its kind!)

A toolkit of short, life-changing EVT (Energetic Vibrational Tuning) techniques and micro-meditations to unlock your higher dimensional true purpose and start manifesting your dream life as soon as today

You’ll start waking up more refreshed, excited and confident every morning. Your life is filled with infinite cosmic possibilities and you have a sense of being free to be “THE REAL AUTHENTIC YOU” – at last!

And, most importantly…Proven over 12 years+. Over 3,000 delighted students and clients. Real abundance breakthroughs guaranteed!

Leisa Peterson

“A calm wave of understanding washed over me and I was forever changed -- his work is that powerful.
For anyone seeking the pathway to financial freedom, I strongly recommend that you listen VERY carefully to everything Ed has to say on the topic of Abundance and Attraction.
I've known clients and colleagues of mine achieve personal financial freedom — And even grow businesses to the 6 and 7 figure level and beyond by integrating these exact lessons and "keys"

Leisa Peterson (Author of The Mindful Millionaire)

How to instantly unleash a more positive abundance mindset and magical beliefs (and unlock your unique “source code gifts and power”)?

Wouldn’t you love to move from the disappointing “Theoretical Law of Attraction” world and start experiencing powerful, tangible results where life no longer feels so hard?

The Law of Attraction becomes a simple ABC recipe…

Which means you manifest more love, happiness, money and true freedom!

You’re going to discover that the way you’ve been taught meditation, affirmations and vision boards is all WRONG if you want rapid breakthroughs. Moving forward, you’ll simply tune your energetic vibration as a natural, easy habit.

Imagine activating your unique source code and unleashing abundance in your life…

Watch me demonstrate how positive transformation really works with a simple electric guitar tuner.

What you haven’t realized up to now is JUST HOW CLOSE YOU ALREADY ARE TO A LIFE OF ABUNDANCE

So now you see it…
Abundance is just like tuning a guitar or a piano. Simple!

You’ve probably noticed again and again, if just one of your emotions or internal energies is compromised or blocked, EVERYTHING FEELS WRONG.

Within just a few minutes of using this technique, you’ll be able to quickly identify and optimize any flat energies AND tune them back to their highest vibrational level.

Have you been feeling stuck or struggling to take action on your dreams?

If so, then I’d urge you to give this a try. Again and again, I’ve seen clients and students evaporate energy blocks that had been holding them back for literally years...

The magic of Energetic Vibrational Tuning is that it works on a “heart generated, multi-dimensional level”...

Up to now, the Law of Attraction Transformation Process has only been shared with the crème de la crème of transformational coaches and experts.

But now you can possess the same skills, confidence and unstoppable energy that they do…

In just minutes, you’ll be able to break manifestation down into a series of quick, simple steps…

Believe it or not, once you’re tuned into your highest energetic vibration, true confidence, motivation and a beautiful flow state become natural for you.

So listen for just 6 minutes a day and Hey Presto!
You melt away your abundance blocks forever…

“I feel inspired and uplifted. Helps me on my journey of improvement and learning. Yes, I got massive value your ideas are BRILLIANT I love it - it is so nourishing.”

Eileen Koopu

Another reason people love “Energetic Vibrational Tuning” is that you immediately break free from all previous limitations and scarcity beliefs…

You’re going to learn a simple and magical “Abundance Timeline Technique” which automatically causes you to let go of all the invisible vampire energies that have blocked you up to now.

You no longer need to force yourself to feel abundant. You don’t need to “remove blocks” or reprogram yourself. There’s a much easier way with Energetic Vibrational Tuning.

In a moment I’ll show you how you can get Catalyst and the “6 Minute Energetic Vibrational Tuning Audio” into your hands (and pay any price you want)!

Everything changes when you unlock the awesome and unique power hidden inside of you!

You’ll also learn how to use “Reverse Manifestation” which is a fun and super-quick technique to start attracting more love, connection, and “money flow” into your life..

This technique is a true meeting point of the scientific and the spiritual and helps you feel like the real, powerful, authentic you… every single day...

Attracting more love, genuine friendships and deeper connections is a natural side effect when you tune your energetic vibration this way.

“Inspirational and life-changing.”

Jeanmarie Wilson

When you discover the power of Super-Affirmations, your life instantly lights up with abundant energy…

When you retune your energetic vibration, you’ll notice synchronicity and near-miracles becoming part of your daily reality.

You’re going to learn how to CHOOSE your beliefs and automatically create abundance and freedom in all areas of your life.

As you’ll discover, this is by far the quickest and most enjoyable way to reduce and remove ALL sabotaging beliefs that kept you trapped up to now…

You’ll lose all fears and the knots in your stomach will untangle. The weight of the world you’ve carried on your shoulders will be released.

In my work, I’m passionately focused on helping clients and students focus on positive goals and on unlocking their unique gifts and potential…

So how about you?

Is it your turn to tune into your true purpose, power and energetic freedom?

Can you commit to testing out the Super-Affirmations Audio (Just 6 minutes a day for the next 7 days?)

If you do, you’ll experience powerful cascades of abundance, personal freedom and massive, positive impact…

Success will start to flow like a waterfall in your daily experiences including richer relationships, positive financial beliefs and thought patterns, and the power to inspire and lift others.

It may seem a lot to believe but just wait till you experience the priceless and transformational “belief bridge technique”...

This simple gem of an abundance technique supercharges your inner confidence and power, leading to powerful energetic breakthroughs. Things that felt hard for years suddenly feel as easy and natural as walking in the sunshine.

“The belief bridge meditations are AMAZING.

I absolutely LOVE going to my happy place and dancing along my belief bridge towards a more abundant, colourful and playful future.

No struggling... Just joyful gentle though sometimes MASSIVE shifts in thinking”


No More Subconscious Barriers, “Imposter Syndrome” Or Simply Feeling Stuck...
Which Means You’re Now Energetically Free To Enjoy Your Authentic Dream Life (Without Compromise)...

The EVT techniques and short meditations are as simple and natural as breathing in and out!

In the past you may have imagined abundance as something you had to aspire or struggle to achieve. But now your dreams feel as certain and predictable as setting a destination on your GPS navigation device.

You’ll effortlessly access The Fifth Level of Manifestation” (The place where abundance shows up as naturally as breathing)

This is the energy-dimension where you finally step into your unique power and uncover your superpowers.

In the past you’ve probably only been shown lower level techniques and methods. It amazes me how many LoA “gurus and teachers” focus on manifesting things like cars, money and expensive travel destinations. This is the worst place to start with your focus.

When you “aim” your Super-Affirmations and manifestation energy at the “fifth level” you energetically become your best self. You become an abundant person within every cell of your body. Not surprisingly, it is at this point when you BECOME abundant that the things you want to have and to do simply show up automatically and naturally.

Time and again, I find my clients letting go of struggle and making manifestation easy as soon as they step into their genuine, highest energetic vibration.

“This is an INCREDIBLE Program. I am already experiencing major changes in my energy towards that of Abundance.

I have released a lot of Fear and Doubt, and regained my sense of PERSONAL POWER. I am savoring each module. There is so much depth that I get something new each time I listen. I highly recommend this Program to those who really want to HARNESS THE POWER OF THE LAW OF ATTRACTION in their lives!”

Mindy P

What Can You Expect From EVT And The Catalyst Experience?
(Watch the 52 second video below to find out)

How about you?

Are you ready to activate your quantum energetic core, manifesting your dream life (whatever that is for you)?

AND, at the same time, master the skills and confidence to make a positive impact in the world, too?

Abundance was never meant to be difficult or a struggle. You’ve almost certainly been making it too hard up to now. And you probably didn’t realize…

Unleashing Your Unique Source Code Power Is Always THE SECRET SPARK that makes The Law Of Attraction Come Alive!

If you’re serious about enjoying a life of freedom, fulfillment and impact, the "Catalyst" experience positively improves and amplifies everything in your personal universe and beyond (into multi-dimensional living...)

"Catalyst" used to sell regularly for $1497 (and has up to now only been available to a select few of my private clients and colleagues)

It’s now available elsewhere on this website for $497 so that more people can experience rapid transformations and breakthroughs.

But for an extremely limited time you can get it for any price you choose!

This gift is available if you become a part of our Law Of Attraction Global Study. However, don’t wait until tomorrow. The opportunity may well be gone.

This is the only place in the world where you can sign up for the exciting and powerful…
"Catalyst – Energetic Vibrational Tuning”

Are You Going To Keep Settling For Disappointing Results (OR Are You Ready To Activate The Law Of Attraction Today)?


Plus A Very Special FREE Bonus Gift When You Become A Part Of Our Global Study Group Today…

“Superpower Affirmations! A single 6-minute Energetic Vibrational Tuning Audio that instantly upgrades your personal vibration”
Value = $197

This bonus includes powerful affirmational tuning to eliminate any signs or feelings of a scarcity mindset by creating an “INSTANT ABUNDANCE ENERGETIC VIBRATION”.

I’ve included a selection of testimonials below but honestly, they don’t even scratch the surface of what you can expect to achieve.

The truth is, nearly everyone teaches affirmations totally WRONG.

Your subconscious is already full of pictures, words and self talk, memories and yes, damaging, limiting self beliefs and negative programming that holds you back.

But if you commit to listening to this 6 minute recording once a day for the next 7 days, you’ll retune your energetic vibration and feel like a million dollars.

Are you ready to give that an honest go? You have nothing to lose and EVERYTHING to gain.


Heart-Centered Coaches, Entrepreneurs And Those Shining A Positive Light In The World

Science has proven that when you energetically TUNE YOUR HEART, you automatically experience a positive, abundance mindset...

This 6-minute super-powerful energetic tuning, instantly upgrades your subconscious energy.

Let me ask you a question…

What is the ONE thing you want to change in your life the most?
Or, what is the ONE goal, dream or desire you would LOVE to manifest?

Now focus for a moment on what it will be like when that dream becomes a reality…

How exciting is it to know that it is already on course to show up in your life?

When you get your hands on my Energetic Vibrational Tuning Toolkit, I suggest you go straight for the Super-Affirmations 6 minute audio and get started straight away.

Simply plug in your headphones, relax and listen every day for a week at least. You’ll be flabbergasted at the improvements and specific desired results that show up!

Is it time to stop hiding your truth and your greatness and finally step into your authentic power and highest energetic vibration!

Are you ready to access the guarded secrets of energetic vibrational tuning, so you make your dream life into your reality?

Seize this exclusive opportunity to harness the universe's infinite potential and become a beacon of abundance, influence, and energetic freedom!

Your dreams and desires are searching for you too…

But they can only find you when you are shining your true light and standing in your power.

When you play small or insist on playing “fake it till you make it” or struggling on and accepting mediocre results then the universe slams the door shut. You’ve seen it happen I’m sure.

Happiness, freedom and success manifest from a positive, magnetic energy flowing from deep inside of you.

Your uniqueness is your power. When you hide your truth and dim your true light to the world, true abundance simply can’t find you.

It’s time for you to step into your awesome highest self. Let go of all negative self talk, worries, scarcity, fear and doubts.

You are a truly amazing being. And when you let your light shine and let the world see you for who you truly are…

If you’re ready to activate your highest energetic vibration immediately AND start to have a huge impact in the world, the universe WILL immediately start to make things way easier for you.

The only real question is…

When will you make the energetic shift and start creating the life you desire and deserve?

How about right now, today?

Remember, this is created by the man considered to be the world’s number one Law of Attraction Coach and Trainer. And it’s been proven over the last 12 years+ by more than 3,000 delighted students and clients.

So if you’re serious about making The Law of Attraction work then this is the missing key that unlocks everything you’ve been searching for.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Why I’m giving you this special and priceless gift today…

Catalyst regularly sells for $497 and even at that price is one of the most valuable and powerful personal growth programs ever created. As a first time visitor, you get it today for whatever price you wish to pay.

The one thing we request in return is that you listen to the 6 minute Super-Affirmations audio as often as you can for the next 7-14 days until you start noticing significant changes in your self-confidence, motivation and manifestation results.

Then simply get in touch and let us know what results you’ve achieved. That’s it, nothing else!

Your results and feedback will be used anonymously as part of the global study we’re conducting, in which we intend to prove that energetic vibrational tuning is the most powerful transformational technology in the world today.

Who should NOT sign up for Catalyst…

Catalyst is not for run-of-the-mill life coaches. It's not more of the same "stuff" you already know. Or even principles you can readily find online.

It's also not for people who have supposedly "tried everything" and still find financial lack, stress, and pain in their life. (Since people like these anticipate failure in most everything they do, they often find it).

Catalyst is ONLY for open-minded, action-and-results-oriented people. People who sincerely desire to implement what they learn and rapidly manifest the things they want in their own life and in the lives of their clients.

It won't take weeks or months or years. You'll see telltale signs of the Catalyst methodology working for you right away, even overnight.

It may show up as more prospects for your coaching practice.

It may show up as a small or large financial windfall.

It may show up as something special that just happened in one of your clients' lives.

Whatever result(s) you get, you'll know. You'll know the universe is listening - to everything. And you're the catalyst, the spark that puts manifestation in motion.

Here’s proof that energetic vibrational tuning can manifest results almost immediately (113 second Video)

I guarantee from this day forward, your life is going to become 100X more abundant, joyful and fulfilling...

I’m offering you a 100% MONEY BACK GUARANTEE FOR A FULL 30 DAYS

My promise: Your life is going to start to change dramatically.

You’ll get onto your true path, make the Law of Attraction explode in your life. You’ll start to live the life of your dreams AND start having a positive impact in the world too.

I believe in you 100% and I know that you have everything you need in your source code to become abundant and successful.

Go ahead and allow me to teach you everything I know about Law of Attraction for life and business success.

I’ll train you to access positive states and a sky-high energetic vibration as easily as breathing… how to discover your true purpose and set everything in motion for a life of freedom and abundance.

Within no time, your beliefs…energy…skills and confidence will be sky high.

This is my promise to you.

Otherwise I’ll refund every penny of your investment. You simply need to email us and it will be taken care of with no questions asked.

That’s how confident I am that if you switch on your unique and powerful Law of Attraction Source Code Vibration, you WILL start to manifest your biggest dreams and desires.

But I’m super-confident you won’t need to ask for a refund.

Here’s why you shouldn’t let this opportunity slip.

Watch this short 100 second video to learn about your “personal energetic bottleneck”. The ONE thing that’s holding you back from manifesting everything you want…

Why am I so confident in your success?

I’ve been teaching this topic for over 20 years now.

I’ve created multiple successful coaching and training businesses of my own along the way. And, of course I’ve helped hundreds of my clients do the same thing.

The world has changed as you know. And this is the time to make the positive changes necessary to thrive in the future. Because a new day is coming and the world will be different.

With what I’m about to teach you, you’ll have the knowledge, skills and confidence to rise to any challenge.

People just like you are manifesting amazing lives using these secrets and simple principles...

Amy Willoughby

I've truly been transformed…
Claiming my power back!!! Amazing…
Ed I can't thank you enough for this experience/opportunity, it has expanded me in the most magical way, I'm truly grateful.”

Amy Willoughby, Auckland

“How beautifully the dots are getting connected everyday, and a clearer picture of what is going on emerges.”

Erum Ali

Kate Broughton

Training with Ed has given the me the confidence and tools to stand strong in the work that I do and move forward
I feel able to empower people to be the best version of themselves.

Kate Broughton

Luis Meirelles

Awesome skills and knowledge that he kindly shares on the course that I for now call a Journey.
Thanks for everything Ed, I really REALLY appreciate your work.

Luis Meirelles

I have found that my inner confidence to be who I am as a person has blossomed and as such the ability to translate this to success both financially and personally has been huge.
I feel…in a space to move forward with clarity and confidence.

Richard Davies

Chrystel Chevallier

All of this made a huge impact on my way to my own discovery. I found my way, my true "me" above identity and body, I found a place where I feel safe, trust, lightness, joy.
Like a rebirth I can from now live effortlessly, experimenting the world with fun and wonder.

Chrystel Chevallier

Josh Roche

Removing blocks to realising greater potential personally and professionally…
practical, profound and relevant...
A fast track to activating dreams and can evolve into an incredibly fulfilling career [and life]

Josh Roche

Christine Walter

"A chrysalis-type process - there WILL be a transformation."

Christine Walter

“Everything I am learning is in line with my life philosophy and is making me so inspired and motivated. Thanks, Ed ;-)”

Erica Addis

Debbie McMillan

“Ed is a motivational speaker who delivers inspirational stories coupled with a plethora of knowledge.”

Debbie McMillan

Here’s more of what’s included when you sign up for Catalyst:

Radical Space Clearing

Simple, short and proven to work:
“Limitless Energy Power-Techniques”

  • Become energetically “lighter and more peaceful” (declutter your mental and emotional space)
  • Clears ALL blocks, fears and negative energy (without even having to think about or even be aware of them)
  • If you’re a coach, entrepreneur or someone who wants to have a positive impact in the world then you’ll soon notice BIG changes. Your energy and wonderful self-belief inspires others to make amazing breakthroughs. You’ll soon feel like a genuine agent of positive change in the worldCreativity, moments of synchronicity and joyful abundance FLOODS your life every day!
  • Unleashes the classic mindset Steve Jobs used to create his “Reality Distortion Field”... You will use this same habit and automatic mindset to create financial and professional breakthroughs (and also personal and relationship or family breakthroughs) which allow you to fulfill your dreams!
  • Activates the power of transformational “energy recipes” so that you will be literally designing the life of your dreams… releasing everything blocking your path… and experiencing the breakthrough results you desire… all in the same breath!

“Love the MAGICAL…TRANSFORMATIONAL way of thinking”


“A light bulb went on and things became more simple and more clear for my future!

It’s an EXCITING ENERGY I'm feeling.”

Liz Warren

Imagine an instant positive energetic transformation…

What Can You Expect From The Catalyst Experience?
(Watch the 52 second video below to find out)

How about you?

Are you ready to activate your quantum energetic core, manifesting your dream life (whatever that is for you)?

AND, at the same time, master the skills and confidence to make a positive impact in the world, too?

Abundance was never meant to be difficult or a struggle. You’ve almost certainly been making it too hard up to now. And you probably didn’t realise…

You Are SO CLOSE! What will it feel like when you find yourself actually starting to Manifest Your Dreams!

If you’re serious about enjoying a life of freedom, fulfillment and impact, the "Catalyst" experience positively improves and amplifies everything in your personal universe and beyond (into multi-dimensional living...)

"Catalyst" used to sell regularly for $1497 (and has up to now only been available to a select few of my private clients and colleagues)

It’s now available elsewhere on this website for $497 so that more people can experience rapid transformations and breakthroughs.

But for an extremely limited time you can get it for any price you choose!

This gift is available if you become a part of our International Law Of Attraction Study. It is strictly time-limited

This is the only place in the world where you can sign up for the exciting and powerful…
"Catalyst – Energetic Vibrational Tuning”
Are You Ready To Activate The Law Of Attraction in a way that is easy and works instantly?


Plus A Very Special FREE Bonus Gift When You Purchase Catalyst Today…

“Superpower Affirmations! A single 6-minute daily hypnotic audio that instantly upgrades your energetic vibration”
Value = $197

This bonus includes powerful affirmational tuning to eliminate any signs or feelings of a scarcity mindset by creating an “INSTANT FINANCIAL ABUNDANCE ENERGETIC VIBRATION”.


The truth is, nearly everyone teaches affirmations totally WRONG. They aren’t lying to you. They just don’t understand how easy it is to get your subconscious to align with the power of the universe.

Affirmations should not be an exercise in “lying to yourself” as many would have you believe. They should be embedded in absolute truth and when you hear them they should make you come alive and light up like never before.

This “Superpower Affirmations” audio will be like nothing you’ve experienced before and brings you into an exciting new world where you can use the Law of Attraction to easily get ANYTHING you want!


Heart-Centered Coaches, Entrepreneurs And Those Shining A Positive Light In The World

Science has proven that when you energetically TUNE YOUR HEART, you automatically experience a positive, abundance mindset...

This 6-minute super-powerful energetic tuning, instantly upgrade your subconscious energy. Focus on the inner change that would give you biggest immediate breakthrough and benefits. Then simply plug in your headphones, relax and listen every day for a week at least. You’ll be flabbergasted at the improvements and results!

Includes affirmations to help you quickly:

  1. Grow Unstoppable Self-Confidence (even if stubborn fears and blocks have held you back up to now)
  2. Unleash Your True Purpose And Passions (however big your dreams and desires, it doesn’t matter)
  3. Magnetize True Love And Amazing Friendships And Connections Into Your Life (whatever your age and current life situation)
  4. Create Huge Positive Impact In The World (even if you haven’t uncovered your unique superpowers and gifts yet)
  5. Activate An Instant Financial Abundance Mindset (whatever negative programing or limiting beliefs you’ve been carrying inside you up to now)
Is it time to stop hiding your truth and your greatness and finally step into your authentic power and highest energetic vibration!

Are you ready to access the guarded secrets of energetic vibrational tuning, so you make your dream life into your reality?

Seize this exclusive opportunity to harness the universe's infinite potential and become a beacon of abundance, influence, and purpose-driven success!

Your dreams and desires are searching for you too…

But they can only find you when you are shining your true light and standing in your power. When you play small or insist on “faking it” then the universe slams the door shut.

The law of attraction is repelled by scarcity, doubt and fear.

Love, peace and success manifest from a positive, magnetic energy flowing from deep inside of you.

Your uniqueness is your power. When you hide your truth and dim light to the world, true abundance simply can’t find you.

It’s time for you to step into your awesome highest self. Let go of all negative self talk, worries, scarcity, fear and doubts. Those are mediocre energies that switch manifestation off.

You are unique. You are powerful. And you are truly amazing. And when you let your light shine and let the world see you for who you truly are…

Your source code will be activated 100%

If you’re ready to activate your highest energetic vibration immediately AND start to have a huge impact in the world, the universe WILL instantly start to deliver everything you’re searching for. You can be enjoying that kind of manifestation success without effort and without delay.

So again, the only real question is…

Are you ready to start manifesting the life you desire and deserve?

Remember, this is created by the man considered to be the world’s number one Law of Attraction Coach and Trainer. And it’s been proven over the last 12 years+ by more than 3,000 delighted students and clients.

So if you’re serious about making The Law of Attraction work then this is the missing key that unlocks everything you’ve been searching for.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Why I’m giving you this special and priceless gift today…

Catalyst regularly sells for $497 and even at that price is one of the most valuable and powerful personal growth programs ever created. As a first time visitor, you get it today for whatever price you wish to pay.

The one thing we request in return is that you listen to the 6 minute Super-Affirmations audio as often as you can for the next 7-14 days until you start noticing significant changes in your self-confidence, motivation and manifestation results.

Then simply get in touch and let us know what results you’ve achieved. That’s it, nothing else!

Your results and feedback will be used anonymously as part of the global study we’re conducting, in which we intend to prove that energetic vibrational tuning is the most powerful transformational technology in the world today.

You DESERVE to discover The Easy Way To Make The Law Of Attraction Work…

Maybe you haven’t been valuing yourself fully?

Maybe other people have dimmed your inner light so that you’re unable to fully express your truth, your vision, your message to the world?

Maybe you’ve felt lost, overwhelmed, stuck and frustrated?

A window of opportunity has opened up for you but here’s why you need to grab your life of freedom and abundance RIGHT NOW...

If you feel stuck and frustrated then this is not your true purpose and path…

The path you’re on is circular. It’s an illusion. On some levels it feels safe and familiar. But in truth, it only leads back to a frustrating place. Again and Again

It keeps you tied to what I call “elastic band syndrome”. You work hard. You struggle. You try and try. Some exciting progress is experienced but it doesn’t last. Disillusioned you constantly end back in the same old place. Confused, unclear and drained of energy.

But the window opening up to you now is a new path! It leads to a genuine positive and transformational breakthrough.

This path is the one I’m offering to show you.

This is Law of Attraction and rapid transformation the way it was always supposed to be taught. With solid scientific underpinning and the incredible stories of thousands of successful students.

You’re about to experience the kind of creativity, fun and magic (and proven results), that you won’t experience in any other program.

This second path is the one that will deliver you your dreams. It’s the one that’s been proven again and again to remove each and every energetic block that held you back up to now.

And as soon as you choose this path, you’ll find your whole world changes. You’ll be on your true path at last (you’ll feel it in every cell of your DNA and your entire being).

You WILL now be able to start manifesting all the abundance, the love, the happiness and health you’ve dreamed of.

Plus you’ll have the skills, confidence and unique “source code power” to make a positive impact every single day.

A Unique & Proven Program I Guarantee Will Immediately Allow You To Start:

This is the only program in the world designed to help you switch your unique and priceless superpowers fully back to the “ON” position.