Why my Myers Briggs Profile is BDFS

Have you ever done the Myers Briggs test?

If you do you’ll be given a 4 letter result that profiles you.

Mine is BDFS.

Before you go and check it out, I’ll save you the sweat and bother…

There’s no such “official” result.

Which is why I love being BDFS. I can make up my own rules by which I play the game.

My profile is Big Dreamer Free Spirit.

The fact Myers Briggs doesn’t identify this profile specifically is EXACTLY why I love being BDFS.

I don’t want to be held accountable to rules, restrictions and “labels” I don’t believe in.

For instance, I’m an introvert at heart, but please don’t label me as such because I’ll come out and surprise you.

I’m often the most attention deficit person in the world. I don’t pay attention to teachers in the traditional (obedient, please stare at this blackboard continuously) sense.

But please don’t tell me that means I have a “problem”. I just prefer talking and singing and discussing, and moving. And putting learning into immediate action to check it works.

I love helping people and showing them how they can become everything they can be…

But please never push me into a corner, or try to make me “join the club” and become an ambassador for “The ONLY right Way To Do Things”

I just don’t believe it works that way. Everything and everyone has value as far as I can tell.

The only truth I can see, feel and touch with 100% certainty is that everyone is unique.

And uniqueness can take you anywhere you want to go in life.

And it’s the thing that attracts the right people to you.

If you shine with your uniqueness, and someone doesn’t fall in love with you. That’s not your soul mate.

Probably not even your mate. If you pretend to be someone you’re not in order to fit in.

Good luck. I won’t pretend to have any answers for you. I don’t.

I’m not for the pretenders. The fitter-inners.

I’m for the BDFS’s.

If you’re full of big dreams and want to live your life free from other people’s rules and expectations…free to discover….live… and savor your unique gifts and truth– Then you’re definitely in the right place.

We’re on a great journey together. And we’ll create our own path.

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person About the author

Ed Lester - Founder of Transformational Coach

As an experienced coach, trainer and entrepreneur with well over 20 years in practice, Ed is passionate about helping creative, ambitious people discover their true path and purpose by unleashing their unique source code (strengths and gifts).

He is dedicated to helping clients and students achieve and activate their desired lives of financial success and freedom based on growing great businesses and/or doing things they love and which make a positive difference for others.

His Law of Attraction approach is unlike any other. Decades of experience teaching hypnotherapy, NLP and Life Coaching have led him to discover that, harnessed correctly, your subconscious mind has the power to overcome ANY problem and allow you to achieve ANY goal or dream.

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